
French baby names for girls and boys

French babies names - Our database contain huge name list of French baby names for girls and boys. Cool and attractive French born baby names of French child's. Top French name list and its meanings with lucky number, origin and how to pronounced. Correct spelling of French baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in English.

French baby names for girls and boys - Top Listed

1. Jordane Girl Down Flowing The River In Palestine Where Jesus Was Baptized Has Been Used As A Given Name Since The Crusades
2. Josalyn Girl Medieval Male Name Adopted As A Feminine Name
3. Josalynn Girl Medieval Male Name Adopted As A Feminine Name
4. Joscelyn Girl Medieval Male Name Adopted As A Feminine Name
5. Josephina Girl Feminine Of Joseph
6. Joslin Girl Medieval Male Name Adopted As A Feminine Name
7. Joslyn Girl Medieval Male Name Adopted As A Feminine Name
8. Joyann Girl Rejoicing
9. Joyanne Girl Rejoicing
10. Mirabella Girl Of Incredible Beauty
11. Azure Girl Sky-blue
12. Joyelle Girl Rejoicing
13. Azurine Girl Sky-blue
14. Jozlyn Girl Medieval Male Name Adopted As A Feminine Name
15. Henny Girl Keeper Of The Hearth Rules Her HouseholdFrom Henriette; The French Feminine Form Of Henry
16. Sidonia Girl Captivates
17. Sidonie Girl Captivates
18. Baylie Girl Courtyard Within Castle Walls; Steward Or Public Official Surname Or Given Name
19. Kamille Girl Servant For The Temple; Free-born; Noble
20. Nancey Girl Favor; Grace
21. Nanine Girl Favor; Grace
22. Blondell Girl Fair-haired; BlondeSpanish Blandina Meaning Flattering
23. Blondelle Girl Fair-haired; BlondeSpanish Blandina Meaning Flattering
24. Blondene Girl Fair-haired; BlondeSpanish Blandina Meaning Flattering
25. Elita Girl Chosen One Also Short Form For Carmelita
26. Lace Girl DeriveD from Lacey, a French Nobleman's surname
27. Lacee Girl DeriveD from Lacey, a French Nobleman's surname
28. Lacene Girl DeriveD from Lacey, a French Nobleman's surname
29. Laciann Girl DeriveD from Lacey, a French Nobleman's surname
30. Lacina Girl DeriveD from Lacey, a French Nobleman's surname
31. Lacyann Girl DeriveD from Lacey, a French Nobleman's surname
32. Larraine Girl From Lorraine From Lotharingia From Lothair's KingDom Lothair was a ruler of the region During the 9th century
33. Laycie Girl DeriveD from 'Lacey' which is a French Nobleman's surname brought to British Isles after Norman conquest
34. Leala Girl Loyal Loyalty Faithful
35. Leonarda Girl Lion
36. Odelette Girl Little Spring
37. Leontina Girl Feminine Of Leon Also Shining Light
38. Tiffanie Girl Greek Name Theophania Referring To The Epiphany - Manifestation Of Divinity
39. Liliane Girl Derived From The Flower Name Lily Symbol Of Innocence; Purity; Beauty
40. Vedetta Girl From The Guard Tower
41. Vedette Girl From The Guard Tower
42. Viviane Girl The Lady Of The Lake
43. Yolande Girl Violet Flower; Strong
44. Yseult Girl Ruler Of Ice
45. Maree Girl Bitter

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French, Germanic Kid's or Children cool and Attractive names and its meanings in English. Huge Names database of French, Germanic baby names of Girls and Boys.
French names and meanings. French names for girls - Feminine. French names for boys - males. French latest baby names. French names and meanings and their lucky numbers.French baby names.