African baby names for girls and boys

African babies names - Our database contain huge name list of African baby names for girls and boys. Cool and attractive African born baby names of African child's. Top African name list and its meanings with lucky number, origin and how to pronounced. Correct spelling of African baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in English.

African baby names for girls and boys - Top Listed

1. Abimbola Unisex Rich Child
2. Adebowale Unisex Return Of The Crown
3. Adisa Boy The Lucid One
4. Afua Girl Friday Born Child
5. Akuchi Unisex God Is Rich
6. Amaka Girl God Is Gorgeous
7. Ashanti Girl Aggressive; Warlike
8. Ayodele Unisex Return Of Happiness
9. Ayotunde Unisex Come-back Of Happiness
10. Babajide Boy Father Is Coming Home
11. Babatunde Boy Return Of The Father
12. Berko Boy Son First Born
13. Boipelo Unisex Prideful
14. Cayman Boy Alligator
15. Chidubem Boy God Is My Guide
16. Chikelu Unisex Created By God
17. Chuks Boy God Did Great Deeds
18. Desta Unisex Pleasure
19. Dubaku Unisex Child Born Eleventh
20. Ebele Girl Compassion
21. Ekene Unisex Acclaimed
22. Emeka Boy God Did Great Deeds
23. Fumnaya Girl Give Me Love
24. Furaha Girl Delight
25. Ife Girl Woman Of Love
26. Imamu Boy Spiritual Leader
27. Kanye Boy Freedom
28. Kenya Girl From Mount Kenya
29. Kwame Boy Saturday Child
30. Kwanza Boy First
31. Lekan Boy My Wealth Is Growing
32. Lesedi Girl Woman Of Light
33. Makena Unisex Delighted
34. Masego Unisex Divine Favor
35. Masika Girl Born On A Rainy Day
36. Mirembe Girl Woman Of Peace
37. Monifa Girl I Am The Fortunate One
38. Nakato Girl The Second Twin
39. Nia Girl Purposeful
40. Nkiru Girl The Greatest Will Come
41. Nneka Girl My Mother Is The Highest
42. Nnenne Girl Mother Of My Mother
43. Nomalanga Girl Sunlit
44. Nomusa Girl Filled With Compassion
45. Nyala Girl Similar To Antelope
46. Obasi Boy Honours God
47. Ogechukwukama Girl The Greatest Of God' S Times
48. Olamide Unisex My Wealth Has Come
49. Olufemi Boy Adored By God
50. Omolara Girl Baby In The Family
51. Onyeka Unisex God Is The Greatest
52. Raziya Girl Nice; Pleasant
53. Sade Girl Honor Bestowes A Crown
54. Sekai Girl Funny
55. Simisola Girl Wealth Is Comfortable
56. Tumelo Unisex Having Faith
57. Wekesa Boy Harvest Child
58. Zalika Girl A Well-born Child
59. Zula Girl Unclear
60. Bongani Boy The Grateful One
61. Bosede Boy Sunday Child
62. Chiamaka Girl God Is Gorgeous
63. Chibuzo Unisex God Give Me Directions
64. Chidike Boy The Strength Of God
65. Chike Unisex Power Of God
66. Chikere Unisex Created By God
67. Chipo Girl Present
68. Dada Girl One With Wavy Hair
69. Dakarai Boy Exult
70. Dayo Girl Pleasure Is Coming
71. Deka Girl The Pleasing One
72. Dikeledi Girl Filled With Tears
73. Efua Girl Friday Born Child
74. Ekua Girl Wednesday Born
75. Emem Unisex Person Of Peace
76. Faraji Boy Solace
77. Femi Boy Adored By God
78. Folami Unisex One Who Demands Respect
79. Imari Boy Faithful Or Loyal
80. Jaheem Boy Dignified
81. Jelani Boy Full Of Strength
82. Jojo Unisex God Raises
83. Katlego Unisex Achieving
84. Khari Boy Like A King
85. Kofi Boy Male Child Born On A Friday
86. Kojo Boy Monday Born
87. Kunto Girl Third Born
88. Lerato Girl Beloved Woman
89. Mbali Girl Like A Flower
90. Nala Girl Successful
91. Neema Girl Born During Time Of Profusion
92. Nkechi Girl God' S Present
93. Nkiruka Girl The Greatest Will Come
94. Nnenna Girl Mother Of My Father
95. Nombeko Girl Esteem
96. Nontle Girl Beauty' S Mother
97. Nuru Unisex Filled With Light
98. Nyarai Girl Humble Woman
99. Ogechi Girl The Greatest Of God' S Times
100. Olamilekan Boy My Wealth Is Growing
101. Olufunke Unisex God Took Care Of
102. Oni Girl Born On A Sacred Ground
103. Onyekachi Unisex God Is The Greatest
104. Rufaro Girl Joy
105. Rutendo Unisex Believing
106. Sauda Girl Blessed With Good Fortune; Blessed With Happiness And Ease
107. Simba Boy Lion
108. Subira Girl Forbearance
109. Tapiwa Girl Given
110. Tatenda Unisex I Am Grateful
111. Titilayo Girl Forever Joyous
112. Tuma Boy Everlasting Or Forever
113. Yejide Girl Mother' S Picture
114. Zuberi Boy Powerful
115. Bomani Boy strong solDier'
116. Chuma Boy beaD'
117. Bem Boy peace'
118. Rashidi Boy Thinker; Counselor
119. Shaka Boy The Name Of The Zulu Tribal Leader Sometimes Compared To Attila The Hun Shaka Shaped An Amalgamation Of Tribes Into The Great Zulu Nation In The Early 19th Century
120. Fenyang Boy conqueror'
121. Amadi Boy fateD to Die at birth'
122. Jamelia Girl Beautiful (Somali)
123. Jamilla Girl Beautiful (Somali)
124. Jamille Girl Beautiful (Somali)
125. Jemila Girl Beautiful (Somali And Swahili)
126. Ashia Girl Hope Mythology: The Wife Of A Hindu Demigod
127. Mandisa Girl Sweetness Sweet (South African)

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African Kid's or Children cool and Attractive names and its meanings in English. Huge Names database of African baby names of Girls and Boys.
African names and meanings. African names for girls - Feminine. African names for boys - males. African latest baby names. African names and meanings and their lucky numbers.African baby names.