Gaelic baby names for girls and boys

Gaelic, Irish babies names - Our database contain huge name list of Gaelic, Irish baby names for girls and boys. Cool and attractive Gaelic, Irish born baby names of Gaelic, Irish child's. Top Gaelic, Irish name list and its meanings with lucky number, origin and how to pronounced. Correct spelling of Gaelic, Irish baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in English.

Gaelic baby names for girls and boys - Top Listed

1. Alby Boy White One
2. Bedelia Girl Powerful; Strong
3. Birgitta Girl Powerful; Strong
4. Bree Girl Higher Power
5. Brian Boy Noble Man
6. Bridget Girl Powerful; Strong
7. Brigida Girl Powerful; Strong
8. Bryan Boy Noble Man
9. Cairbre Boy One Who Rides In A Chariot
10. Caitriona Girl Chaste; Pure
11. Cassidy Unisex One With Curly Hair
12. Ciara Girl Little Dark Girl
13. Colm Boy A Dove
14. Conall Boy Powerful Wolf
15. Courtney Unisex One With Short Nose
16. Cullen Boy The Son Of The Holy One
17. Desmond Boy From South Munster
18. Ennis Unisex From An Irish Town
19. Fenella Girl One With A Fair Shoulder
20. Finian Boy White Or Fair
21. Finnian Boy White Or Fair
22. Gilroy Boy Ruler' S Servant' S Son
23. Gormlaith Girl Famous Princess
24. Jannon Boy Fair Haired
25. Keavy Girl Pretty; Gentle
26. Keira Girl Little Dark Girl
27. Kieran Boy Small Dark One
28. Kieron Boy Small Dark One
29. Kira Girl Little Dark Girl
30. Kyran Boy Small Dark One
31. Leary Boy Keeper Of Calves
32. Marcas Boy Rendered To Mars; Warlike
33. Moira Girl Rebellious Woman
34. Morna Girl Merry
35. Nessa Girl Not Soft Or Gentle
36. Neve Girl Dazzling
37. Nuala Girl One With A Fair Shoulder
38. Peadar Boy Rock
39. Pirjo Girl Powerful; Strong
40. Quinn Unisex Wise; Reasonable
41. Regan Unisex Riagan' S Descendant
42. Ryan Boy Little Ruler
43. Sloane Girl Raider; Warrior
44. Sorcha Girl Beaming
45. Berit Girl Powerful; Strong
46. Biddy Girl Powerful; Strong
47. Birgit Girl Powerful; Strong
48. Birte Girl Powerful; Strong
49. Braden Boy Son Of Bradan
50. Brianna Girl The Noble One
51. Brita Girl Powerful; Strong
52. Britt Girl Powerful; Strong
53. Byrne Boy Descendent Of Bran
54. Carey Unisex Ciardha' S Descendent
55. Casey Unisex Alert; Watchful
56. Culkin Boy A Very Learned Man
57. Domnall Boy Ruler Of The World
58. Donnchad Boy Brown Warrior
59. Erskine Boy Over The Knife
60. Fallon Girl Leader' S Daughter
61. Fergus Boy Man With Energy
62. Finola Girl One With A Fair Shoulder
63. Fionola Girl One With A Fair Shoulder
64. Flannery Unisex Red Bravery
65. Gittan Girl Powerful; Strong
66. Kassidy Unisex One With Curly Hair
67. Keiran Boy Small Dark One
68. Kelly Unisex Intelligent And Bright
69. Kier Boy Small Dark One
70. Kiernan Boy Small Dark One
71. Kyra Girl Little Dark Girl
72. Mannix Boy Monk
73. Oisin Boy Small Deer
74. Piritta Girl Powerful; Strong
75. Pirkko Girl Powerful; Strong
76. Reagan Unisex Riagan' S Descendant
77. Rowan Unisex Ruadhan' S Descendent
78. Sine Girl God Is Merciful
79. Slaine Girl Healthy
80. Boyne Boy White Cow
81. Braddon Boy Broad Hillside
82. Bradon Boy Broad Hillside
83. Braeden Boy Broad Hillside
84. Braedon Boy Broad Hillside
85. Brayden Boy Broad Hillside
86. Braydon Boy Broad Hillside
87. Breandan Boy Sword
88. Channe Boy Young Wolf
89. Channon Boy Young Wolf
90. Bressal Boy PainAlso AWar
91. Darce Boy Dark One
92. Daric Boy Strong; Oak-hearted See Also Derek
93. Darick Boy Strong; Oak-hearted See Also Derek
94. Darrick Boy Rules The People
95. Darroch Boy Strong; Oak-hearted See Also Derek
96. Darrock Boy Strong; Oak-hearted See Also Derek
97. Beacan Boy Small
98. Bearach Boy Spearlike
99. Beartlaidh Boy From Bart's meaDow
100. Davey Boy Beloved
101. Becan Boy Small
102. Deegan Boy Black-haired
103. Cian Boy Old; Ancient; Archaic
104. Delaine Boy From The Elder Tree Grove
105. Burnette Boy Bear; Brown
106. Burney Boy Bear; Brown
107. Delancy Boy From The Elder Tree Grove
108. Delane Boy From The Elder Tree Grove
109. Byme Boy Bear; Brown
110. Aengus Boy Unnaturally Strong
111. Cahal Boy Ready For War
112. Dermod Boy Free From Jealosy
113. Dermott Boy Free From Jealosy
114. Cluny Boy From The Meadow
115. Berkley Boy The Birch Tree Meadow Also See Barclay And Burke
116. Codell Boy Helpful
117. Desmund Boy From South MunsterFamous Bearer:Archbishop Desmond Tutu (of South Africa)
118. Coilin Boy Virile
119. Coillcumhann Boy From The Narrow Forest
120. Aguistin Boy Majestic
121. Ahern Boy Owns Many Horses
122. Dezmond Boy From South MunsterFamous Bearer:Archbishop Desmond Tutu (of South Africa)
123. Caolaidhe Boy Slender
124. Comhghan Boy Twin
125. Con Boy Hero
126. Conaire Boy Wise Or Red
127. Conal Boy High And Mighty
128. Conan Boy HounD; elevateDFamous bearer:Talk show host Conan O'Brien
129. Conant Boy HounD; elevateDFamous bearer:Talk show host Conan O'Brien
130. Conlan Boy Hero
131. Conlin Boy Hero
132. Connal Boy High And Mighty
133. Connell Boy High And Mighty
134. Ailill Boy Sprite
135. Conroy Boy Persistent
136. Dilan Boy Born Near The Sea
137. Airleas Boy Pledge
138. Carraig Boy From The Rocky Headland
139. Dillen Boy Like A Lion
140. Cony Boy Hill Hollow
141. Corcoran Boy Cork; Reddish SkinSurname
142. Dinsmore Boy Hill Fort
143. Cori Boy From The Round Hill
144. Corky Boy Hill Hollow
145. Cormack Boy raven's son
146. Cormick Boy Charioteer'raven's son
147. Correy Boy Hill Hollow
148. Cathmor Boy Great Fighter
149. Corrick Boy Hill Hollow
150. Cathmore Boy Great Fighter
151. Cavan Boy Good-looking; Handsome; From Cavan
152. Ceallach Boy War; Strife
153. Cearbhall Boy Manly
154. Cearnach Boy Victorious
155. Cein Boy Archaic
156. Coyle Boy Soldier; Leader In Battle
157. Donaghy Boy Brown Warrior
158. Donnchadh Boy Dark Warrior
159. Dooley Boy Hero With Dark Skin
160. Dorran Boy Stranger
161. Dorrance Boy Stranger
162. Dorrel Boy Stranger
163. Dorrell Boy Stranger
164. Dorren Boy Stranger
165. Dorrin Boy Stranger
166. Cullan Boy Good-looking LadAlso AHolly
167. Cullin Boy Good-looking LadAlso AHolly
168. Cully Boy Handsome Or Dwells At The Woodland
169. Driscol Boy Mediator
170. Dubh Boy Black-haired
171. Dubhglas Boy From The Darkwater
172. Ea Boy Fire
173. Daeg Boy Day
174. Daegan Boy Black-haired
175. Meade Boy Honey Wine Or Meadow
176. Einri Boy Rules The Home
177. Seanan Boy Little Old Wise One
178. Micheal Boy Form of Michael 'Who is like GoD?'
179. Mitchel Boy Form of Michael 'Who is like GoD?'
180. Shandy Boy From John
181. Hannraoi Boy Rules The Home
182. Roane Boy Red-haired; Red
183. Euan Boy Possibly A
184. Murchadh Boy Fighter Of The Sea
185. Rooney Boy Hero
186. Rourke Boy An Ancient Given Name Adopted As An Irish Clan Name Surname
187. Rowe Boy Red Haired
188. Royan Boy Red-haired; Red
189. Ruaidhri Boy Famous Ruler Red
190. Ruanaidh Boy Hero
191. Fagan Boy Eager Child
192. Fagin Boy Eager Child
193. Rye Boy Island Meadow
194. Ryleigh Boy Island Meadow
195. Ryley Boy Island Meadow
196. Farrel Boy Brave
197. Fearghall Boy Courageous Man
198. Odran Boy Pale Green
199. Finan Boy Blonde Child
200. Finbar Boy Blond-haired; Handsome

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Gaelic, Irish Kid's or Children cool and Attractive names and its meanings in English. Huge Names database of Gaelic, Irish baby names of Girls and Boys.
Gaelic names and meanings. Gaelic names for girls - Feminine. Gaelic names for boys - males. Gaelic latest baby names. Gaelic names and meanings and their lucky numbers.Gaelic baby names.