Hebrew baby names for girls and boys

Hebrew babies names - Our database contain huge name list of Hebrew baby names for girls and boys. Cool and attractive Hebrew born baby names of Hebrew child's. Top Hebrew name list and its meanings with lucky number, origin and how to pronounced. Correct spelling of Hebrew baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in English.


Hebrew baby names for girls and boys - Top Listed

1. Aapo Boy Father Of Many Nations
2. Abarrane Girl Mother Of Multitude
3. Abbott Boy Father
4. Abdiel Boy Servant Of God
5. Abijah Unisex God Is My Father
6. Abner Boy My Father Is Luminous
7. Abraham Boy Father Of Many Nations
8. Abrams Boy Father Of Many Nations
9. Acke Boy Peace Of The Father
10. Adabelle Girl From The Beautiful Scenery
11. Adamo Boy Man
12. Adao Boy Man
13. Addai Boy Ornament Of God
14. Adin Boy Delicate
15. Adlai Girl Ornament Of God
16. Adon Boy God Or Lord
17. Adoni Boy God Or Lord
18. Akim Boy Originating From God
19. Akseli Boy Peace Of The Father
20. Amaris Girl Given By God
21. Amitai Boy Truth
22. Amoz Boy Bearer Of Burden
23. Ane Girl Gracious; Merciful
24. Aniko Girl Gracious; Merciful
25. Anissa Girl Gracious; Merciful
26. Anja Girl Gracious; Merciful
27. Anna Girl Gracious; Merciful
28. Annemarie Girl Gracious; Rebellious Woman
29. Anniken Girl Gracious; Merciful
30. Anouk Girl Gracious; Merciful
31. Apikalia Girl My Father' S Delight
32. Asaya Girl God' S Creation
33. Asenath Girl Devoted To Anath
34. Asriel Boy God' S Support
35. Atkins Boy Son Of Atkin
36. Avigail Girl My Father' S Delight
37. Aviva Girl Season Of Spring
38. Baram Boy Cheerful; Friendly; Happy; Charming; Pleasant
39. Bartek Boy Rich In Land
40. Bartolomeu Boy Rich In Land
41. Bartosz Boy Rich In Land
42. Bathsheba Girl Daughter Of The Vow
43. Belen Girl Bethlehem
44. Bengurion Boy The Lion' S Son
45. Benjamin Boy Right Hand' S Son
46. Bethany Girl From A Fig House
47. Bettina Girl Promise Of God
48. Bilhah Girl Shy; Timid
49. Buffy Girl Promise Of God
50. Caleb Boy To Be Faithful
51. Carmella Girl Garden Of God
52. Carmen Girl Garden Of God
53. Carmo Unisex Garden Of God
54. Chava Girl Living And Breathing
55. Chaya Girl Full Of Life
56. Coos Boy Following After
57. Dan Boy The Lord Is My Judge
58. Daniel Boy The Lord Is My Judge
59. Danielle Girl God Judges Me
60. Danuta Girl God Judges Me
61. Davian Boy Adored
62. Davida Girl Adored
63. Davis Boy Adored
64. Deb Girl From A Bee Swarm
65. Deborah Girl From A Bee Swarm
66. Delilah Girl Delicate Woman
67. Derorit Girl Liberty
68. Dinah Girl The Avenged One
69. Duci Girl Woman From Magdala
70. Eden Unisex Place Of Delight
71. Eeva Girl Living And Breathing
72. Efa Girl Living And Breathing
73. Efrain Boy Bearing Fruit
74. Efron Boy A Singing Bird
75. Ehud Boy Allied
76. Eilam Boy Immortal; Forever; Eternal
77. Elah Girl Oak Or Turpentine Tree
78. Eli Boy All Powerful
79. Elian Boy My Lord Responded
80. Eliora Girl Lord Is My Guiding Light
81. Elisabete Girl Promise Of God
82. Elisheva Girl Promise Of God
83. Elizabeth Girl God Is My Oath
84. Ellis Boy Yahweh Is My God
85. Elspet Girl Promise Of God
86. Elzbieta Girl Promise Of God
87. Emanuel Boy God With Us
88. Emmanuel Boy God With Us
89. Enok Boy Dedicated Or Faithful
90. Ephraim Boy Bearing Fruit
91. Erzsi Girl Promise Of God
92. Esmail Boy God Hears
93. Ethan Boy Enduring Or Long Lasting
94. Eve Girl Living And Breathing
95. Ever Boy Unclear
96. Evin Boy God Is Merciful
97. Evron Boy Bearing Fruit
98. Ewa Girl Living And Breathing
99. Ezekiel Boy God Will Strengthen
100. Ezra Boy God' S Help
101. Fifi Girl God Raises
102. Gabe Boy God' S Bravest Man
103. Gabor Boy God' S Bravest Man
104. Gabriela Girl God' S Bravest Woman
105. Galia Girl Born In Waves
106. Galilea Girl Born In Galilee
107. Gessica Girl One Who Can Foresee
108. Gia Girl God Is Merciful
109. Giacobbe Boy Following After
110. Giancarlo Boy God Is Merciful
111. Gianna Girl God Is Merciful
112. Gideon Boy Hewer
113. Gilad Boy Hill Of Witness
114. Gilam Boy Joy Of A Country
115. Gilead Boy Hill Of Witness
116. Giovanna Girl God Is Merciful
117. Giuseppe Boy God Raises
118. Guryon Boy Lion
119. Hadassah Girl From The Myrtle Tree
120. Hampus Boy God Is Merciful
121. Hansel Boy God Is Merciful
122. Haskell Boy The Cauldron Of God
123. Hazaiah Boy God' S Prediction
124. Helah Girl Rust-colored
125. Hesekiel Boy God Will Strengthen
126. Hezekiah Boy Strength From God
127. Hila Girl Praise Or Appreciation
128. Hirsh Boy Deer
129. Hosea Boy God Delivers
130. Huldah Girl Quick As A Weasel
131. Hymen Boy Life Or Man
132. Ian Boy God Is Merciful
133. Ib Boy Following After
134. Ichabod Boy Glory Gone
135. Iekika Girl One Who Can Foresee
136. Ikaia Boy God Delivers
137. Ike Boy One Who Brings Laughter
138. Ilana Girl To Soften; To Make More Gentle; To Make More Lenient
139. Immanuel Boy God With Us
140. Iokua Boy God Delivers
141. Ira Unisex Alert
142. Isai Boy God Delivers
143. Isair Boy God Delivers
144. Ishmael Boy God Hears
145. Ivana Girl God Is Merciful
146. Iwan Boy God Is Merciful
147. Jackie Unisex One Who Supplants
148. Jaco Boy Following After
149. Jacobo Boy Following After
150. Jacques Boy Following After
151. Jaime Boy Following After
152. Jajuan Boy God Is Merciful
153. Jakim Boy Yahweh Will Establish
154. Jakub Boy Following After
155. James Boy Following After
156. Jameson Boy Son Of James
157. Jamis Boy Son Of James
158. Jane Girl God Is Merciful
159. Janelle Girl God Is Merciful
160. Janet Girl God Is Merciful
161. Janicka Girl God Is Merciful
162. Jans Boy God Is Merciful
163. Jarmo Boy Lifted Up Or Exalted By God
164. Jarred Boy Descendant
165. Jary Boy A Warrior With A Helmet
166. Javaughn Boy Greek
167. Jayron Boy To Cry Out Or To Sing
168. Jeanbaptiste Boy John The Baptist
169. Jeanfrancois Boy God Is Merciful
170. Jeanpierre Boy God Is Merciful
171. Jeannette Girl God Is Merciful
172. Jebediah Boy God' S Friend
173. Jed Boy God' S Friend
174. Jedediah Boy God' S Friend
175. Jemima Girl Warm Like A Dove
176. Jenkins Boy God Is Merciful
177. Jere Boy Lifted Up Or Exalted By God
178. Jeremias Boy Lifted Up Or Exalted By God
179. Jericho Boy Fragrant City
180. Jerrick Boy Fragrant City
181. Jessalyn Girl One Who Can Foresee
182. Jessica Girl One Who Can Foresee
183. Jesus Boy God' S Deliverance
184. Jevon Boy From Greece
185. Jezebel Girl One That Is Not Noble
186. Jimena Girl One Who Has Heard
187. Jo Unisex God Is Merciful
188. Joan Girl God Is Merciful
189. Joannes Boy God Is Merciful
190. Joaozinho Boy God Is Merciful
191. Joasia Girl God Is Merciful
192. Jody Unisex Judea Person
193. Joel Boy All Powerful God
194. Joetta Girl God Is Merciful
195. Johanna Girl God Is Merciful
196. Johannes Boy God Is Merciful
197. Johnna Girl God Is Merciful
198. Jolene Girl God Is Merciful
199. Jon Boy God Gives
200. Jonas Boy Dove

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Hebrew Kid's or Children cool and Attractive names and its meanings in English. Huge Names database of Hebrew baby names of Girls and Boys.
Hebrew names and meanings. Hebrew names for girls - Feminine. Hebrew names for boys - males. Hebrew latest baby names. Hebrew names and meanings and their lucky numbers.Hebrew baby names.