Muslims baby Boy names starting with U

Islamic babies names - Cool and attractive Islamic born baby names of child's. Top Muslims name list and its meanings with lucky number and origin. Correct spelling of Islamic baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in Urdu, Hindi and English.

1. 👦🏻Ummi Na Parha Hua
2. 👦🏻Umais Love
3. 👦🏻Umer Life Name Of The Second Caliph
4. 👦🏻Usama Usamah Description Of A Lion
5. 👦🏻Ukkashah Web; Cobweb; Spider Web
6. 👦🏻Umdatuddawlah Support Of The State
7. 👦🏻Umayr Umair Old Arabic Name
8. 👦🏻Usayd Little Lion
9. 👦🏻Ulkifl Ezekiel (English Language Equivalent)
10. 👦🏻Umayr Life And Alive; Long-lived
11. 👦🏻Uwayam A Float; Buoyant
12. 👦🏻Uwaym A Float; Buoyant;
13. 👦🏻Usaamah King Of Jungle Lion
14. 👦🏻Uwais Name Of A Great Saint And Taabiee (RA)Small Wolf
15. 👦🏻Ubaydullah Servant Of Allah
16. 👦🏻Umarah Old Arabic Name
17. 👦🏻Uqba Name Of An Illustrious Sahabi Ie Companion Of The Prophet Muhammad
18. 👦🏻Udail Udayl Old Arabic Name
19. 👦🏻Usaim Usaym Lion Cub
20. 👦🏻Usamah Description Of A Lion
21. 👦🏻Usaid Small Lion
22. 👦🏻Urfee Name Of Popular Poet
23. 👦🏻Ubaidah Servant Of God; Worshiper Of God
24. 👦🏻Urwah Name Of Prophet' S Companion (A Prominent Sahabi); Shirts Button Hole; Relationship; Tree With Green Leaves; Hand-held; Support
25. 👦🏻Ubayd Worshipper
26. 👦🏻Unas Love; Pyar; Muhabbat; Ulfat
27. 👦🏻Umar Name Of An Illustrious Sahabi Who Was The Second Caliph Of Islam
28. 👦🏻Uzayr Precious
29. 👦🏻Umm ah Nation; Community
30. 👦🏻Umar Farooq Life; Long Lived; One Who Can Tell Right From Wrong
31. 👦🏻Unal Fighter; Strong Spirit
32. 👦🏻Unais Love; Affection
33. 👦🏻Uwaiz Restitution; Recompense; Something Given In Place Of Something Lost
34. 👦🏻Uvaim Highest, Lofty
35. 👦🏻Umaish Wise, Learned
36. 👦🏻Ustad Master; Professor
37. 👦🏻Uzair Name Of A Prophet Of Allah Taala
38. 👦🏻Uyoon Eye
39. 👦🏻Uqasha Intelligent
40. 👦🏻Udail One Who Follows A Straight Path
41. 👦🏻Uwain Helper; Supporter
42. 👦🏻Ukail Rafan Guiding Light, Companion
43. 👦🏻Uqaab Eagle
44. 👦🏻Ujaab Impressive
45. 👦🏻Uthman Name Of Tht Third Caliph
46. 👦🏻Uzaafar Lion
47. 👦🏻Usman Name Of A Sahabi Who Took Part In The Battle Of Badr
48. 👦🏻Usama Lion; Or The One Who Behaves Nicely
49. 👦🏻Uhaid Covenant; Promise
50. 👦🏻Urais Dulha
51. 👦🏻Umrao Noble; King
52. 👦🏻Unaif chief, lord, first in rank
53. 👦🏻Ubadah Devoted Worshiper Of God
54. 👦🏻Usain Beautiful; Good
55. 👦🏻Ubayda Female Servant Of Lower Rank; Fem Of Ubayd
56. 👦🏻Uzaib Fresh; Sweet; Especially Water That Is Cool; Fresh And Good To Drink
57. 👦🏻Utaif Affectionate; Compassionate
58. 👦🏻Umdatud Dawlah Support Of The State
59. 👦🏻Umer Ahmed Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
60. 👦🏻Ulwan High
61. 👦🏻Ubaid Name Of A Sahabi Who Took Part In The Battle Of Badr; Faithful
62. 👦🏻Ubayy One With High Self Esteem
63. 👦🏻Uzbah Flag
64. 👦🏻Ueis Little Lion
65. 👦🏻Ubayyi Peaceful; Systematic Mind; Mysterious
66. 👦🏻Umayyah Famous Arabian Tribe
67. 👦🏻Ushaim A Child That Conserves From Badness
68. 👦🏻Utaib Gentleness; Softness
69. 👦🏻Ujab Most Exquisite Of The Faith; The Best Of The Faith; Which Means The Best Acts Of Worship; Or The Best Believer
70. 👦🏻Ubaidah Ubaydah Servant Of God
71. 👦🏻Udai Small Group Of Warriors Attacking The Enemy
72. 👦🏻Ukashah Name Of A Sahabi Who Took Part In The Battle Of Badr
73. 👦🏻Ubaid Ahmed Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
74. 👦🏻Umoor Happy
75. 👦🏻Ummiyy Unlettered
76. 👦🏻Uzmir Greatest Ruler
77. 👦🏻Umdan Messenger
78. 👦🏻Umm ar Precious; Talented
79. 👦🏻Umair Ahmed Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
80. 👦🏻Umar Hussain Handsome; Beautiful
81. 👦🏻Uzair Ali The High Exalted One; The Sublime
82. 👦🏻Unaid Rebel
83. 👦🏻Urrab Fluent; Eloquent; Well-spoken
84. 👦🏻Ulwaan High
85. 👦🏻Uzbik Sardar; Raees; Khudmukhtar
86. 👦🏻Utaf Freedom
87. 👦🏻Ukasha Spider; Makri
88. 👦🏻Umr Life
89. 👦🏻Usman Ghani Title Of The Third Caliph
90. 👦🏻Umair Chaudhry Head Of A Trade Or Village; Boss; Chief; An Honorific Title For Landlords
91. 👦🏻Umairi Long-lived
92. 👦🏻Ufair Brave; Courageous
93. 👦🏻Umm iyy Unlettered
94. 👦🏻Umroot Strong
95. 👦🏻Umar Faruq Flourishing, Distinguisher
96. 👦🏻Uksem Oath
97. 👦🏻Ukrumah A Small Pigeon
98. 👦🏻Usman Ali The High Exalted One; The Sublime
99. 👦🏻Umar Ahmed Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
100. 👦🏻Uzunu Khayr Ears That Hear The Pious Words