Chinese baby names for girls and boys

Chinese babies names - Our database contain huge name list of Chinese baby names for girls and boys. Cool and attractive Chinese born baby names of Chinese child's. Top Chinese name list and its meanings with lucky number, origin and how to pronounced. Correct spelling of Chinese baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in English.

Chinese baby names for girls and boys - Top Listed

1. Ah Unisex Little One
2. Ai Girl Lovable
3. Bao Unisex Gem
4. Biming Boy As Clear As Jade
5. Bo Unisex Wave-like
6. Chang Boy Thriving
7. Chao Boy Excellent
8. Chen Unisex Break Of The Day
9. Cheng Boy Journey
10. Daquan Boy A Spring
11. Dequan Boy Spring
12. Dong Boy Born In The East
13. Fai Boy Initial; Beginning
14. Fan Unisex Lethal
15. Fang Unisex Pleasant-smelling
16. Gang Boy Powerful
17. Guo Unisex Fortification
18. He Unisex Lotus Flower
19. Hong Boy Large
20. Huang Boy Bright Yellow
21. Hui Unisex Clever
22. Hung Boy Courageous Or Heroic
23. Ji Boy Progression; Sequence
24. Jiao Unisex Fine
25. Jie Unisex Clean
26. Jin Boy Gold
27. Jingsheng Boy City Born
28. Ju Girl Daisy Flower
29. Kang Boy Hale And Healthy
30. Keung Boy Cosmos
31. Kun Boy Earth
32. Kuo Boy Capacious Or Limitless
33. Lian Boy Lovely Willow
34. Liang Unisex Bright One
35. Liling Girl Sound Of White Jasmine
36. Lim Unisex From The Woods
37. Ling Unisex Spiritual Being
38. Liu Unisex Willow Tree
39. Ming Unisex Enlightening
40. Niu Unisex Girl; Ox
41. Peng Boy Big
42. Qing Boy To Be Clear
43. Rong Unisex Thriving
44. Shu Girl Warmhearted
45. Tai Boy Vast
46. Tu Unisex Mapping Out
47. Xiaoping Boy Little Peace
48. Xing Boy Successful Or Thriving
49. Xue Unisex Studying Person
50. Ya Girl Graceful
51. Yin Unisex In The Shade
52. Yong Unisex Courageous
53. Yu Boy To Shine Brightly
54. Zan Boy Providing Support
55. Zhen Girl Valuable; Genuine And Innocent
56. Zhi Unisex Wise Person
57. Zhu Boy Straightforward Or Upright
58. Bai Boy Person Of Purity
59. Chin Unisex Golden
60. Da Boy Accomplishing
61. Fa Unisex To Send; Pass
62. Fen Girl Scent
63. Feng Boy Peak; Summit
64. Fu Unisex Rich
65. Guang Unisex Glorious
66. Han Unisex Country
67. Heng Unisex Lasting
68. Ho Boy Good
69. Hua Unisex Prosperous
70. Huan Unisex Fortunate
71. Jia Girl Good
72. Jiang Unisex River
73. Jiaolong Boy Looks Like A Dragon
74. Jing Boy Pure Or Capital
75. Julong Boy As Powerful As A Dragon
76. Kong Boy Sky; Heaven
77. Lan Unisex Orchid Flower
78. Laquan Boy Spring
79. Li Boy Strong Or Powerful
80. Lin Unisex From The Woods
81. Mei Girl Gorgeous
82. Mu Unisex Admired
83. Ning Unisex Person Of Peace
84. Nuan Girl Affectionate
85. Nuo Girl Gracious
86. Ping Boy Peaceful
87. Qi Unisex Emerging
88. Qiang Boy Strong Man
89. Qiu Unisex Season Of Fall
90. Shen Boy Extremely Spiritual
91. Sheng Boy To Be Successful
92. Shi Girl Truthful
93. Shuang Unisex Jolly
94. Shui Unisex Coming From Water
95. Si Boy God Has Heard
96. Song Boy Strong Or Powerful
97. Su Unisex Unadorned
98. Ting Girl Enduring
99. Wang Boy Royal Or Imperial
100. Wei Unisex The Only One
101. Wen Unisex Literate Person
102. Xiang Unisex Good Luck
103. Xingfu Boy Joyful Or Happy
104. Xiu Girl Charming
105. Xun Boy Very Quick Or Fast
106. Yan Unisex Swallow Bird
107. Yatsen Boy Festival Or Celebration
108. Yi Unisex Profiting
109. Ying Unisex Intelligent; Clever
110. Yun Unisex Born In The Clouds
111. Zhao Boy Excellent
112. Zheng Unisex Serious; Classy
113. Zhong Unisex Allegiant
114. Zhuang Boy Strong Or Powerful
115. Akino Boy Helpful And A Nice Person
116. Ayumi Girl Step Or Walk
117. Angie LIU Girl God' S Messenger
118. Andie Liu Girl Feminine Of Andrea

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Chinese Kid's or Children cool and Attractive names and its meanings in English. Huge Names database of Chinese baby names of Girls and Boys.
Chinese names and meanings. Chinese names for girls - Feminine. Chinese names for boys - males. Chinese latest baby names. Chinese names and meanings and their lucky numbers.Chinese baby names.