Muslims baby Girl names starting with T

Islamic babies names - Cool and attractive Islamic born baby names of child's. Top Muslims name list and its meanings with lucky number and origin. Correct spelling of Islamic baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in Urdu, Hindi and English.

1. 👧🏻Touran Name Of A Place In Shahnameh
2. 👧🏻Tuti In Indonesian Meaning Is : An Unusual Girl' S Name
3. 👧🏻Teen Serious
4. 👧🏻Tamin Safety; Support
5. 👧🏻Taskin Satisfaction Peace
6. 👧🏻Tazim Respect
7. 👧🏻Takiyah Pious; Righteous
8. 👧🏻Tahreem Respected; One Who Gives Respect
9. 👧🏻Tabitha Like A Gazelle
10. 👧🏻Thameenah Valuable; Precious
11. 👧🏻Taira Flying
12. 👧🏻Tabia Talented
13. 👧🏻Tehreem Respect; Sanctity
14. 👧🏻Tabarik To Be Magnified Greatly
15. 👧🏻Turfa Rarity; Rare Object; Novelty
16. 👧🏻Tajweed Praise Of Allah; Hymn
17. 👧🏻Taja To Mention; To Name
18. 👧🏻Taheera Pure; Virgin
19. 👧🏻Talia Dew Of Heaven;
20. 👧🏻Tabinda Bright - Shining
21. 👧🏻Taaqul Wise Thought
22. 👧🏻Talah Taalah Young Palm Tree
23. 👧🏻Thara Tharaa Wealth
24. 👧🏻Tarib Lively; Gleeful; Merry
25. 👧🏻Tanveer Enlightening; Illuminating; Rays Of Light; Noor; Roshni Karna;
26. 👧🏻Tehsen The Good Woman
27. 👧🏻Tali Rising; Ascending; Going Up
28. 👧🏻Tuqa Tuqaa Heedfulness Of God
29. 👦🏻Thanaa High Rank; Glory
30. 👧🏻Taasees Inception; Foundation
31. 👧🏻Taqiyah Heedful Of God
32. 👧🏻Thabitah Firm
33. 👧🏻Tameemah Name Of A Poetess
34. 👧🏻Thaminah Precious; Generous
35. 👧🏻Tabani Roshni; Munawar
36. 👧🏻Taqwa Taqwaa Piety; Devoutness; Heedfulness Of God
37. 👧🏻Thawab Reward
38. 👧🏻Tuba The Name Of A Tree In Heaven
39. 👧🏻Tasnim Fountain In Paradise
40. 👧🏻Taosa Peahen
41. 👧🏻Taghia High Pilous 
42. 👧🏻Thuml Name Of An Early Distinguished Woman
43. 👧🏻Thuraiya Thurayya Star; Constellation Pleiades
44. 👧🏻Tariqah This Was The Name Of The Freed Slave Of Labeet Of The Family Of The Princes Of Al-Qays Bin Zayd (AN)
45. 👧🏻Taibah Wholesome; Good; Pure
46. 👧🏻Tazeen Decoration; Ornament; Make-up;
47. 👧🏻Taima Tayma Oasis In Northwest Arabia
48. 👧🏻Tazkia To Purify; To Clean; To Spiritualize
49. 👧🏻Tiana Star
50. 👧🏻Tasheen Ever Ambitious
51. 👧🏻Tirana Song; Anthem
52. 👧🏻Tanzeela Nazil Ki Huwi
53. 👧🏻Tamadur Brilliant
54. 👧🏻Tashfa Sympathetic
55. 👧🏻Talaqat No Meaning As This Is A Modern Name
56. 👧🏻Tahzib Culture Education
57. 👧🏻Tahzeeb Culture Education
58. 👧🏻Tasiyah Consolation; Comfort
59. 👧🏻Tarba Happiness
60. 👧🏻Trana Melody; Song
61. 👧🏻Tarab Happiness
62. 👧🏻Tahirah Pure; Chaste
63. 👧🏻Thashin Acclaim
64. 👧🏻Thoraya Star
65. 👧🏻Tahiya Greeting; Salutation; Cheer; Welcome
66. 👧🏻Tawoos Peacock
67. 👧🏻Tamanna Wish; Desire
68. 👧🏻Tohfa Present Gift
69. 👧🏻Thana Thankfulness; Praise
70. 👧🏻Tamkeen Dignity; Power; Grandeur;
71. 👧🏻Tabalah She Was A Narrator Of Hadith
72. 👧🏻Tarannum Melody; Composition; Gungunana
73. 👧🏻Tanizia A Name Of A Flower; Aik Phool Ka Naam;
74. 👧🏻Thara Wealth;
75. 👧🏻Tahiyah Greeting
76. 👧🏻Tayyiba Good; Good-natured; Sweet; Agreeable; Generous; Good-tempered; Fem Of Tayyib
77. 👧🏻Tamara Date Tree
78. 👧🏻Tareeda Find The
79. 👧🏻Tawbah Repentence
80. 👧🏻Taliah Lamb; Lambkin Also An Abbreviation Of Natalia
81. 👧🏻Taina Mystery; Secret
82. 👧🏻Thurayya Chandelier
83. 👧🏻Tameemiya Perfection
84. 👧🏻Tahfeez To Praise; To Describe
85. 👧🏻Thubaitah Name Of A Sahabiyyah (RA)
86. 👧🏻Tahiyat Greetings
87. 👧🏻Tarfa Kind Of Tree
88. 👧🏻Thufailah Elegant With Good Respect For Her Elders
89. 👦🏻Thanaa Variant Of Thana: Praise; Eulogy
90. 👧🏻Tahleem Beauty; Decoration; Pomp And Show
91. 👧🏻Tahani Congratulations
92. 👧🏻Tuhfa Gift; Present
93. 👧🏻Taliha   , Thumbnail Talha, Grace, And Good Smell, Belle, Highball.
94. 👧🏻Thuwaibah Thuwaybah Deserving Of Gods Reward; Name Of A Female Companion Of The Prophet
95. 👧🏻Tahseenah Acclaim
96. 👧🏻Taskeen Tasalli; Dilasa
97. 👧🏻Tasmia To Mention The Name Of Allah; To Say Bismillah; To Name; Name
98. 👧🏻Takseen Satisfaction Peace
99. 👧🏻Tahereh Pure; Chaste; Clean
100. 👧🏻Thana Variant Of Thana: Thankfulness;